You're slacking

It’s August now bro.

Meaning we're 8 months into 2023.

99% of people wasted another year.

1% made it their year.

And I couldn't care less.

I'm doing shit regardless of what the time is.

And so should you.

I’m going to share the 3 secrets to my success with you today:

1. Time is NOT real

Or it is, but not as you've been taught.

I'm not limited by what day it is.

It's an illusion.

An hour is just an hour.

A day is just a day.

A year is just a year.

Why should time determine whether you're going to work or rest?

If you want to succeed you need to lose the concept of time.

You need to be able to work regardless of the day.

There no longer exists Monday-Sunday for me.

It's just days.

The one is not more or less important than the other.

I do the same amount of work.

View life through this perspective and you'll accomplish so much more.

You'll do SO much more.

2. Study

Guess what.

If you think studying is a waste of time, I honestly don't care.

You’ve been taught this BS in school.

The wrong ways to study.

And topics that you couldn’t give a fuck about.

But self-education is important in the times we’re living in.

I'm doing this for me.

I want it bad enough.

And you sitting there telling me "it's a waste of time you need to take action", you're right, but also wrong.

Studying and not using the knowledge is a waste of time.

But studying and TAKING action is how you're going to surpass everyone.

It's going to make you stand out when you know your shit.

If you don't want to do it, fine, don't. But don't dare to call me an overnight success.

You've probably heard of Luke Belmar.

The guy is a living LEGEND.

And guess what mf, he studies.

I bet he probably still does it.

Because he's smart.

He knows his shit.

And he knows 99.9% of you won't do it.

So, what does he do?

He picks up a damn book and reads.

He learns the basics. He executes. And wins.

But no, you’re to “cool” to study, aren’t you?

3. Execute Daily

As I said, without taking action, you're not making progress.

I'm reaching out to new people every day.

I've even hired a guy to do outreach for me, but I STILL do it to double the potential leads I get.

I want it that bad.

I put my skills to use each day.

And if you don't, you're going to fall behind.

To some, I might sound harsh.

But they're weak-minded. I'm not your average guru.

I want the best for my audience. I want you to succeed.

But I'm honest.

I'm not going to comfort you when you're slacking.

I'm going to call you out.

Make you mad.

And make you act.

That's the only way you're going to succeed.

That’s the only way you’re going to grow.

With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi