Want to start copywriting?

I've been on Twitter for 8 months now.

I've earned $10k+.

And I've made people $10k+ per month with emails.


I'll tell you everything inside of this email.

So, read until the end for a surprise.

Don't get me wrong.

It's not as easy as those TikTok guys tell you it is.

“Make 10k/m with reselling AirPods”

Don’t believe that shit.

They want to sell you their course.


Cuz that’s the only way they earn their money.

Also. Realize:

You will not win by giving the bare minimum.

2 hours a day? No.

Not if you want to win.

There are 100s of people joining.

100s of people who are willing to work harder.

In the beginning I spent 10+ hours a day.

And I saw NO results for months.

But.. I kept going.

Some might call me crazy.

But I'd rather be crazy than average.

Would you?

If you're not ready to put in more than 2 hours each day.

If you're not ready to sacrifice friends.

If you're not ready to take control of your life.

Click off.

This is not for losers.

Do me a favor and unsubscribe.

Continue scrolling on TikTok and listen to your fake ass gurus.

But for those of you who will read this (entire thing).


You've taken the first step (the hardest one) toward success.


Writing emails that sell is not rocket science.

You don’t need to reinvent a strategy.

You simply see what works and steal it.

I can do it.

You can do it.

Even my little brother can do it.

So why are you not succeeding?

You're missing one crucial part of the equation.

It’s not enough to know the whole english language.

It’s not enough to know the most “powerful” words.

That’s useless shit you’ve heard from TikTok.

As a copywriter… your job is to be concise and persuave people through words.


You need to understand how humans work.


> Sales
> Psychology
> Human nature

Give it 1 month.

Read books about it.

Take notes. And implement the things you learn.

A little mindset shift: 

Understand that me, you, and every other person are no different.
Okay... maybe a little bit.

But we operate on the same system.

End of mindset shift 

From birth.

We are instilled with 2 driving factors:


We either run toward desire or away from pain.

Do you get it?

It's the only 2 motivators we have. 

The only 2 things that can make a person take action. 


Really think about it.

The last thing you purchased.

Why did you buy it?

Me. I bought my mac.


I WANTED a faster and more reliable laptop. (I ran towards desire)

Once you start questioning why you're doing what you're doing you'll start to understand how you're getting sold. EVERY. DAY. "

But Leon... this does not help me make money with copywriting"


It does.

Once you start understanding how humans work... you'll start writing better copy.

You'll see how you can influence someone to take action by simply using words they believe in.

If you don't believe me.

Take it from @lukebelmar

He's a real G. Who doesn't give a fuck about your or anybody elses opinion.

He knows his shit.

And what does he tell people to do?

Pick up a damn book and read.

Get educated. And then WIN. Okay.. enough.

Let me tell you what you need to do as an email copywriter to succeed

Let's assume I was fat and wanted to lose weight.

What would I do? Want to get in shape - Seek solutions, right?

Now. Imagine I stumbled across a fitness coach who had a newsletter.

"Get my free 7-step guide to losing weight", I instantly give my email away and sub to his newsletter.

Why? Because I want that.

I need that to run away from my pain. (If your clients lead magnet sucks, offer to redo it for him)

I keep reading the guide and it's actually good.

I want MORE.

That means the bait was bitten by me. I'm already sold.

The fitness coach has hired an email copywriter who knows how to make me hand out my card and give him my money..

And as the days go buy I keep receiving emails from the newsletter.

Each one of the emails filling my mind with trust and knowledge and slowly preparing me to pay.

The copywriter has made an irresistible sequence for me.

Teasing the next email.. so I keep opening them.

Until I find myself handing out my card and paying the coach.

And you would too, right?

The funnel is really simple.

Give me a sec to find an image I made to explain it. Found it...

Click on it and save it if you want. 

Now, I will explain HOW you make a sequence that leads to you getting paid in a very simple way so ANYONE can do it.

By the end of reading this. You have 0 excuse to not start.

1st Email - Welcome!

The first email is easy to make:

• Welcome them

• Present the gift

• Tell/describe what type of person you want on the list

• Tease the next email

Don’t be afraid of them unsubscribing if you say something that they’re not interested in.

2nd Email - Who are you?

People don't trust you.

They don't care about you.

Until you give them a reason too.

DON'T talk about yourself too much.

You want to be relatable to your audience.

Show them you understand their struggles.

Email 3 - The Value Bomb 

We're still not going to sell them ANYTHING.

Or we sell them the click. Okay...?

And it's a good reason for that.

We want them to be as invested in us as possible.

We want the reader to be full of information.

Full of emotions.

Full with trust.

So that we can easily sell them in the-

4th email - Hard Sell 

It's time to make money.

Stack up all your ammunition and FIRE.


Case studies.

EVERYTHING YOU GOT. Slap them with the "holy shit this works" slap.

And present a clear CTA in multiple sections of the email.

5th Email - Soft Sell

This is a quick thank you.

For their trust, time and etc.

BUT... This is where the most money will come. 20% will buy in the 4th email and 80% will buy in the 5th.


They are simply thinking about it.

And the 5th email is a slap in the face.

A "hey your solution is right here!".

To help them over the edge.

A good way is to present a "special offer".

If you want to know EXACTLY how to write:

• Subject lines
• The email body
• CTAs that sell godly

+ some key takeaways to help you understand your audience like the back of your hand…

And get access to a REAL sequence I've made for a real client...

I suggest you click this big juicy button