Say yes

Ever since I started developing my mind…

it has gotten easier and easier to get what I want.

The reason why is simple:

I took advantage of the unconscious mind

What did this do?

  • People pay me

  • People believe me

  • Even made schoolmates do my homework for me

But how can you do the same?

The moment you get the reader to say “No” or even “I really don’t believe what he is saying” or “I don’t think that relates to me,” you’ve lost the reader. Right?

But as long as the reader keeps saying yes (see what I did with that “Right?”) or believes what you are saying is correct and continues to stay interested.

You are going to be vibing with the reader and slowly guide him to your “slide”.

The thing is.

Most people won’t even realize it. They are NOT aware of how their mind works.

This makes it super easy to persuade the average person…

To show you a specific approach to this method, let’s take an example from an email I wrote for one of my clients.

Entitled “your 1-way ticket to the SEO bible,” it offers a complete guide on how to do SEO perfectly… (obviously)

My client, let’s call him Jimmy, chose the concept of being a robot (he used Chat GPT to make it) as the best approach in his email.

I felt that sounding like a robot put people to sleep.

So I changed it.

See if you agree with the copy statements in my emails as I tie in the current feelings of ignorance with Jimmy’s product.

Which ad would you read first right after learning about how SEO is crucial?

“Boost your sales with SEO! 🚀 ”


“your 1-way ticket to the SEO bible…”

The answer is obvious. Right?

The email then goes on to explain the writer’s experience of arriving in a sea of ignorance right after learning about SEO.

Notice how the reader’s attention was captured:

The SL, “your 1-way ticket to the SEO bible” and preview text, “your free gift is waiting” causes the reader to open up the email and read the first sentence.

The first sentence was short.

The following sentences were both interesting and true and caused the reader to start nodding his or her head.

So now you have three things you are trying to do at the beginning of an email.

First, you want the reader to read the copy.

Remember, that’s the objective of all copy.

Without the prospect reading the email, you have nothing.

Then you create the type of environment through copy that causes the prospect to feel comfortable in exchanging his or her hard-earned money for your product or service.

And finally, you want the prospect to vibe with you—to agree with you—by writing words you KNOW they will agree with.

In short, you want agreement. You want that head to nod in the affirmative.

You want harmony.

“Leon, I really admire you. I can sell to anybody 101. Put me up against the toughest prospect and I’ll sell them. But you have the ability to do that on a scale that humiliates mine. When you sell, you manage to reach an audience of millions and sell to them all at the same time.”

And that’s what is with writing copy.

You can reach an audience so big, and so FAST, that even 100 of the best-performing salesmen can’t.

Get the reader to say yes and vibe with your statements while reading your copy. BE yourself.

Now you have the basis for a very important principle in writing effective copy

I’ll see you tomorrow.

With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi