How I predict people

I typed a message to a friend just now.

Nothing exciting about that (I know).

But my brain picked up something I didn’t realize I did unconsciously...

Which is a HUGE reason why I’m a successful copywriter.

You see.

Whenever I’m writing, talking, or communicating in any form.

I have one thought in mind:

What will they answer?

I’m thinking 1-step ahead.

When I write a sentence. I unconsciously predict what their response is going to be.

If the response isn’t in my favor I change the way I frame the sentence to up the probability of them saying EXACTLY what I want them to say.

There’s no secret to getting good at this.

Other than practicing.

And… a little mindset shift:

Stop thinking that a word is just some letters you use your fingers to click on some buttons to make.

It’s much more than that.

Words are thoughts in written form.

Thoughts are energy.

And energy makes things move. (Welcome to Science with Leon!)

If you can choose the right type of words, and get them to think exactly what you want them to think, you’ll always make people do what you want them to do.

In other words; You’ll give them the energy to whip out their wallet and pay you.

I haven’t seen this tip anywhere else. So keep it a secret.

Or else I’ll have to invite you to a sparring round… and it will not go in your favour.


Before you click off.

I’ve made a new version of my already successful book. Yes. The one that has helped others just like you make money through email copy.

There are some bonuses included for a limited time:

  • How To Get Clients Handbook

  • Say Yes Principle

  • Chat GPT Course

  • Making Every Type Of Sequence

No hidden fees.

And best of all: NO FUCKING TAX. (we trynna avoid that shit)

I realized yesterday that Gumroad is a bitch. And collects tax on my paid stuff.

No more of that BS.

I revamped the book into a notion page with much more value.

And removed it from gumroad completely.

With Energy,
Leon ‘tax fraud’ Bekteshi