There is no tomorrow

You know that thing you said you were going to do tomorrow?

My best guess is that tomorrow never came.

I know too many people who set goals for themselves and NEVER accomplish them.

Why’s that?

It’s quite simple.

They lack a plan to achieve their goal.

They lack the ability to take action.

They lack discipline.

Does this ring a bell?

Are you one of those guys who believe success comes in the palms of your hands if you ONLY pray?

Cuz, let me inform you.

You’re wasting your time.

Nothing will ever come to you as easy as that.

If it did, it wouldn’t have any value, right?

You need to actually put in the WORK, and pray on the side.

You can’t do one without the other.

Stop being AVERAGE.

It’s so easy to win because EVERYONE is distracted.

In less than 30 days I made money work for me,

there is $$ constantly rolling into my account.

It’s as if I set it on autopilot.


Because I didn’t quit.

I put in the work.

And I kept going EVEN when I didn’t see any results.

I mean…

Did you hear about that guy?

You know the one who quit.


No, I didn't think so.

“BuT… Leon HoW dO i Go AbOuT iT?”

  • STOP procrastinating

  • Make a plan that you can start working on TODAY

  • Make yourself goals that you want to accomplish each month


  • And don’t stop.

It’s literally this easy,

but for some weird reason,

YOU make up some of the DUMBEST excuses I’ve ever heard.

Are you ready to eliminate all excuses and choose the life YOU want?

Or are you okay with being average?

With energy,
Leon Bekteshi