Are you mentally prepared?

The moment you’re going to break is coming.

The question is, are you mentally prepared for it?

As life goes by, you have to expect your mind to play games on you.

Because if you don’t you’ll end up believing that the games are your own ideas.

When in reality, all it is is WEAKNESS.

We’ve all been there.

You know when that anxiety hits like a truck?

Or when you’re nervous about something?

This is just your mind trying to trick you.

It’s trying to make you WEAK.

I want you to break free from that,

so I’ve made a simple list for you to take back control of your mind:

  • Start meditating - doesn’t have to be for long, 1-2 minutes a day works fine

  • Start journaling your day

  • Remind yourself that this is your life

  • Hold yourself accountable

  • Hit the gym at least 5x a week

  • And ofc stay consistent

Consistency is how you will stay on the winning side of the metric.

Apply this for 2 weeks and let me know how it goes for you!

With energy,
Leon Bekteshi