Get people to agree

Would you agree that people are more likely to agree with your point of view if they feel that your point of view is also their point of view?

Yes, ofc you would.

If I said something you agree with, would you argue with me?

No. You’d be dumb too.

And this can be used when writing too…

If you’re making a point, and it is similar to something the other person said earlier


If you’ve done your research and REALLY understand your audience so you know what they WILL agree with…

you can point this out with “And exactly as you’re thinking...” and then continue on with your point.

But what if the person hadn’t actually thought of that earlier?

It really doesn’t matter.

As long as it’s not some random shot you took assuming they would agree.

You need to know your audience inside out.

So, if the case is that they NEVER thought of that, you’ll miss by an inch,

and often as long as it isn’t the complete opposite of their beliefs, they’ll probably relate to it either way.

Adjust your wording slightly.

If you’re not completely sure, you could switch it up from “as you thought..” to “as you may think..”.


With this, you didn’t say that your reader actually said or thought this, but that it’s the kind of thing he might say.

You’re giving him the credit for saying it first or having that general idea.

AKA making them feel smart.

Use this to your