Why you feel LEFT behind.

There are 2 main things that make you feel behind:

1. You are focused on the WRONG things

I could be THE BEST writer in the world.

BUT... If all I did was focus on my weakness in drawing, I'd only push myself down.

Think about it.

If I focused on drawing - while being the best writer.

I would WASTE my precious time on something which does not benefit me.

If you've been following me for some time, YOU know time is valuable.

It doesn’t come and go.

It comes and it passes.

You’ll never get it back.

You can't waste it.

Rather, use the time to your advantage.

Work on the things that ACTUALLY benefit you.

I’m not saying you shouldn't improve your weaknesses.

But if the weakness isn't related to your main focus, it's not something you should waste time on.

You don't want to be the guy who is OK at everything,

YOU want to be the guy who's the BEST at your thing.

2. You don’t have a brotherhood/system

I did this mistake when I started out.

"No, I don't need help. I can do this myself."

This was my thought process for a long time.

Until I realized that this isn't the way of the wealthy.

I came to realize that I've been wasting my time being the "Lone wolf".

Did I make good progress on my own?

- No. I wasted time.

Where would I be if I realized this sooner?


Don’t make the same mistake as me.

Get rid of the idea of being a "Lone wolf".

YOU need people,

YOU need workers,

YOU need a brotherhood to keep you ACCOUNTABLE.


When you have a brotherhood you'll get furious!

They'll be sharing their wins ALL THE TIME.

It will make you mad,

it will give you motivation,

and IT WILL make you get off your ass and WORK.


It's manly behavior to want to be the BEST in your tribe.

The best part?

They will even encourage you to be so.

I’ve been lucky enough to assemble a team, a brotherhood, of SERIOUS people.

We share wins,


we hold each other ACCOUNTABLE,

and most importantly - we’re ALL making money.

Why you should develop a system:

You won't come far on your own. Get that idea out of your head. NOW.

Look at the richest people in the world.

What do they have in common?

If you didn't get it.

They all have a system working for them.

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and even Andrew Tate got people working with them.


Because they know that you NEED people to get successful.

A 20k/m business could turn into a 100k/m business by you doing less.


Think about it.

If you have a business generating 20k/m on your own, what's the 1 thing you don't have?

  • TIME

By hiring people BETTER than you, you can create a strong system, put less work on yourself, and multiply your income.

It's all about understanding the game.

While your workers keep the business running, you can focus on other projects, ideas, and investments that will scale up your business.

Your solution⬇️

Most people don't know where or how to start.

If you have a business running and want to increase your income.

Hit me up in my Twitter DMs (they're open to everyone).

Or reply with “Help” to this email.

I'll help you scale it up through Twitter and/or email copy.

With energy,
Leon Bekteshi