Day 6 - Avoid Technical Jargon

Have you ever read a piece of content around and asked yourself “wtf does this even mean?”

I guess you might have encountered that.

And then… it just keeps pouring with words you don’t know.

So. You stop reading. Close the tab. And go do something else.

Well. Believe it or not. This is EXACTLY what your readers go through on a day to day basis.


Back in the day… I used to play Fortnite (a lot).

If I were to use words from my gaming days…

  • KD

  • White

  • Cracked

  • Pre-Boxed

  • Full pieced

a small percentage of you might understand. But for the remaining 90%… they would click off. Right?

My point is: Don’t use technical jargon when writing to an audience that doesn’t speak your language.

(#1 rule of copy: Be clear and concise.)

It messes with the reader. And destroys the selling message.

When you use jargon. You’re choosing to communicate with a select few people… and leaving 90% wondering what the hell you’re talking about.

“But Leon. When is it okay to use it?”

Look. I have 1 simple rule:

Unless 95% of the readers understand the jargon DO NOT use it.

And if your client insists you use it… be sure to let him know about what I just told you.

Got it?

With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi