Day 4 - Use Short Sentences


Read this.

And then this.

See how fast you read that? In a couple of seconds.



Really think about why…

You’re GLUED to my text without realizing it.

I’ve brought you down the “slide”.

You still don’t get it?

Okay… let’s frame it this way;

I’m Using SHORT sentences.

On purpose.


As a copywriter. You have 1 job.

To persuade through words… but—nobody will be reading your long ass sentence that looks like a 3-story block.

I’d recommend you to stay under 14-16 words.

But—for all sake. Don’t sit there counting how many words are in each sentence.

After some days of practicing… you’ll quickly be able to realize what sentences are TOO long. And what’s perfect length-

Freestyle it. And edit it later.

A quick fix:

Use Your Eyes!

Is it hard to read? Shorten it.

If you’re unsure. Run it through Hemingway editor. It will tell you whether it’s hard to read.

And for all sake. If your sentence is 40+ words. Shorten it. That’s a no-no.

Another quick tip that I learned from George Ten is to use punctuation more often. He even suggests cutting out commas completely.

And rather than using commas. You switch up your sentences to make it fit without a comma.

Keep this in mind too; When writing. Switch up your sentence length.

Remember. We’re not trying to make it all look the same. We’re trying to create a flow.

We’re trying to get the reader to slip into our slide and get redirected to our product.

That way. They can’t stop. They just buy.