How Dan Koe Makes Money Writing

$2 500 000 MILLION dollars.

That’s how much Dan Koe will make this year.



Dan Koe is a big figure in the writing space.

And there’s no secret to his success.

Hours and hours of work, research, and practice.

And today, I’ll save you hours of research by giving you Dan’s:

A-P-A-G Framework

(Attention - Perspective - Advantage - Gamify)

This is the framework that has made Dan Koe the great writer he is today.

And… It’s backed by psychological research.

Attention—The Art Of Catching Eyeballs

This is arguably the most important part.

If you make the best email, sales page, ad, whatever, in the world—but nobody sees it…

You haven’t done anything besides wasting your time, right?

So, how do you go about making a headline so good that people can’t take their eyes off of it?

Well.. Dan figured out there are 3 things that will make people read:

  1. Relevance—How relevant is it in the daily life of your audience?

  2. Awareness—Is it simple or complex enough for the level of awareness you’re targeting?

  3. Effort—How fast will they receive the effort?

If you can manage to squeeze all these elements into 1 headline you’ll see an increased open (or “reading) rate.

But… there’s not always you can use all of the 3.

So here are some things you can think about when making a headline/subject line:

  1. The BIG problem—summarize all the problems listed

  2. The BIG benefit—Summarize all of the benefits into one

  3. The BIG idea—Summarize the most important parts into one

  4. The Transformation phase—You can use numbers or a unique name to hint at the process that will get them results

  5. Timeframe—How long will it take to read or get results?

  6. Negative personal experience—Include a personal experience and imply a low point during that

Perspective—Paint A Picture Of The Enemy

This part is where you make the reader relate to you and amplify their problems.

The best way to do it:

Paint a common picture on the topic—relate with a personal story to add gasoline to the fire of their problems—and frame it as you see it.

Why include a personal story?

It makes the reader feel like you really understand where they’re coming from-AKA you’re making them relate to you (key in writing persuasviely).

How do you do this effectively?

Piece together everything you have:

  • Tweets

  • Quotes

  • Benefits

  • Problems

  • Concepts

  • Examples

  • Metaphors

  • Comparisons

  • Popular Stories

  • Personal Stories

The goal is to help the reader understand—but don’t solve any of their problems yet…

Advantage—Paint A Picture Of The Hero, Vision, Or Why Your Perspective Is Right

With persuasive writing you are presenting an argument to sell.

Remember. You are always selling.

Not only your products or services - Ideas and better ways of doing things.

That’s what people want.

Once you’ve paiunted a picture of their faulty perspective - you start to shift their perspectives…

Present your:

  • Ideas

  • Social Proof

  • Experiences

  • Tweets/Threads

This is the turning point in the story.

You’re sharing a better way of doing it.

Again, you can use examples, stories, and benefits.

Just focus on educating the reader to why this is a better way of thinking.

Gamify—Create A Hierarchy Of Challenging Goals

Think of a game.

A hierarchy of goals, quests, and missions.

That gives you clarity on what you need to do next. DO that in your writing.

In short. You “gamify” by giving actionable advice on how to achieve the transformation of your hero or story.

Wrap everything up into a clear, concise and actionable way of getting the specific results you’ve promised—and make it clear what they need to do next.

What are the steps they need to take to advance?

What can they do rn to get results?

Answer that. Make it clear. And get sales.

This is how you should write your long-form emails or sales pages.

It works extremely well.

And can get you paid thousands of dollars if done right.

That’s what I’m currently doing… and I’m teaching others to do the same.

If you want to learn how to:

  • Write emails that sell

  • Understand your audience

  • Never struggle to make subject lines again

  • And get the exact guide I used to sign my first client

Act fast. God rewards action-takers.

Only the 5 next people get the free guide…

With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi