
“Stop working so hard, you’ll end up with a burnout.”

“There’s no need to work now, go have fun”

“Take it easy...”

“You’re still young, you have so much time ahead of you”


YOU should be HYPER aggressive about your goals.

Attack life before it attacks you.


if, and only IF you take action.

Andrew Tate is the most popular person?

Another man will take that spot in the future.

Joe Rogan has the biggest podcast?

Someone will have a bigger podcast one day.

Jon Jones is the greatest fighter?

He will be surpassed one day.

EVERY one of these men is mortal.

They bleed the same color as you and would DIE without oxygen.

The difference between THEM and YOU is that these men attack each day.

And they keep attacking.

Every. Single. Day. 

Will you still be average like 99% of people?

Or Will you go on the offense and ATTACK?

The choice is truly yours.

I can’t save you.

With energy,
Leon Bekteshi