Algo Insurance + 3 Content Pillars

“What is Elon doing?!”

Does it matter bro?

I’m tired of seeing people complain about it.

You’re like those girls who film the snow and post it on their story:


No shit Sherlock.

Anyways… this email isn’t going to be me hating on women that post that shit (I’ll do it another time).

My point is:

We’ve all been noticing a decrease in engagement.

Some complain—Losers.

Others don’t care—busy building.

The one thing that separates the winners from the losers:

The winners have their OWN universe

Wow. A whole universe for themselves?


What does that even mean?

Well. It makes people WANT to search up their profile… meaning they’ll always have engagement.

There are several ways you can build it. Today.

I’ll cover 3:

Digital Assets

What do I mean by digital assets?

A digital asset is something you own. Like a property online.

Think of it like hosting some sort of real live event inside of a property:

People come in. And LIVE inside of your property.

They love the vibe. The value. And the one hosting the community.

While they’re walking around and getting free value, they’re introduced to “smart drinks” that will help them achieve their goals faster…

Those “smart drinks” cost money, but are worth 10x more than what the host sells them for.

And since the host personally takes care of the people inside. They begin to like, know, and TRUST him.

What happens then? They buy (if he knows HOW to make them buy) without giving a second thought.

That’s exactly how a newsletter works. And it’s exactly why I’m able to earn from it.

And the best part—no algo change can take it away from me.

You see this newsletter?

I OWN it.

Elon can’t take it away from me. He can’t mess with the algo.

And because of that, I’m safe.

I’ll still make money and sign new clients.

Now, let’s see:

How To Build Your Universe

You’ve seen those guys that hold up pizza signs and direct you into their pizza store?

Just like that—you need to direct people into your property.

In other words:


I don’t care what you choose:

  • TikTok

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • Instagram

Choose one and stick to it.

But—here’s what’s important.

You don’t want to grow.


Bear with me.

Yes. Followers are nice. Growth is nice. Likes make you feel good.

But you want money, right? Not just a bunch of broke accounts following you.

I will not teach you how to grow.

I will teach you how to build your universe and earn money off of that.

I’ll share the 3 types of content you need to build FANS—not followers.

No. This is not the BS G-A-P framework. That teaches you only how to grow.

Take notes:


To build a unique brand and unique universe you need to be, yes you guessed it, unique.

How do you get people to love you?

Well, as humans, we are made to relate to people who understand us. OR make us feel understood.

If you can share stories of yours that include a type of lesson you’ll create diehard fans over time. Why?

Simply because they feel like you’re the same person. They feel like you KNOW them. And they’ll feel more appreciated.

Which will bring them to… YES! Like, know and TRUST you.

This is huge when it comes to making money.

And here’s something many view the wrong way:

Understanding your audience’s problems VS understanding HOW your audience DESCRIBES their problems

As a copywriter. You don’t create problems. You find them and amplify them.

Your ideal audience has problems they want to solve.

For example:

  • Make money online

  • Grow their following

  • Earn more money than they do

BUT—there’s a big difference between knowing about these problems and HOW your audience describes them.

Look at this:

  • Make money online—”I don’t want to be dependent on a geographical location. I don’t want to wake up at 7 and get work from 9-5 and REPEAT it every single day. I want to be free and never work a 9-5 ever again.”

  • Grow their following—”I want to feel fulfilled and have an audience that loves me. Ideally, I want to be able to sell my products to them.”

  • Earn more money than they do—”I don’t earn enough money to travel the world around and take care of my mom.”

  • Work less while earning more money—”I have too much work and I don’t earn enough, I want to set systems in place that allow me to spend more time doing the things I love while earning more.”

Do you see how this is a totally different perspective?

Instead of telling them their problems - which they are already aware of - you now know how they feel. And this can be powerful IF you know how to use it correctly.

And you’ll have multiple strings to pull from.

You can show that you UNDERSTAND them.

The fans will follow. And slowly come visit your property… and before they know it they’re paying you to solve their problems.


I was listening to Eddy Quan the other day. He said something very interesting:

“The human brain is hardwired to receive information in story form”

And it got me thinking:

The last time I paid attention to something was when my friend told me a story about how he negotiated with his teacher and shortened his school day by 2 hours… I’ll not go into detail but it got me thinking:

All the information already exists. But people are too lazy to consume it.


And when it’s boring. People scroll.

But—good news; you can make it interesting.

You see… we humans are hardwired to receive information through stories.

In fact. I bet if teachers taught us shit through stories, more people (not me) would pay attention.

But they don’t. They do it the same way as 98% of accounts on Twitter; talk generic bs.

Use this template:

“This is how I did XYZ, it was hard/scary, this is what I learned”

Stories are crazy powerful—don’t neglect them.

They show your audience that you’re a real person.

It gives them someone to follow.


In the beginning of my Twitter journey (January) I was tweeting generic. BS. motivational tweets.

Ones I straight out copied from TikTok and pasted into tweets.

I was struggling to grow.

From January to the end of March I only grew to 125 followers.

While I saw new accounts BLEW up past me.


They knew something I didn’t. I spent hours researching, trying to find out what I was doing wrong… and I finally figured it out.

If you’ve been paying attention to my recent tweets you already know the answer:

I wasn’t giving value

I wasn’t solving anyone’s problems

I didn’t give people a reason to WHY they should follow me

As you probably have experienced yourself… when you find a gold mine sharing golden tips—you quickly hit that follow button.


Because they help you solve a problem you have. And they do it consistently. They bring value to the table… and in return, you follow them and get turned into a fan and you’ll eventually find yourself buying the solution from the person.

Not necessarily because you really need it—but because you LOVE the person.

This is what you want to do.

BUT—not in a generic way.

You want to post:

  • How to guides

  • Advice

  • Insights

  • Tips and triks

  • Straight Value

+ Pair it with a story or experience


As I said. All the info is out there. It’s boring.

You need to learn how to combine lessons and stories.

Just as I did at the beginning of section 3 (read it again and see how I did it)

That was a lot of words.

1,399 in fact.

And it took me 20 minutes to write…

This is what happens when you have the blueprint to write emails implemented in your DNA.

With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi