38 Formulas To Engineer Curiosity


I’ll not waste your time.

Grab a pen and paper and let’s get right into it:

  1. Ask A Question

  2. Tie Into Current Events

  3. Create A New Terminology

  4. Give News

  5. Give The Reader A Command

  6. Use Numbers And Statistics

  7. Promise Useful Info

  8. Highlight Your Offer

  9. Tell A Story

  10. Make A Recommendation

  11. State A Benefit

  12. Make A Comparison

  13. Use Words That Help The Reader Visualize

  14. Use A Testimonial

  15. Offer Free Stuff

  16. State The Selling Proposition Directly

  17. Arouse Reader Curiosity

  18. Promise A Reveal Or Secret

  19. Be Specific

  20. Target A Oartiular Type Of Reader

  21. Add A Time Element

  22. Discount OR Value

  23. Give Good News

  24. Offer An Alternative

  25. Issue A Challenge

  26. Stress Your Guarantee

  27. State The Price

  28. Setup A Seeming Contradiction

  29. Offer An Exclusive The Reader Can’t Get Elsewhere

  30. Adress The Readers Concerns

  31. “As Crazy As It Sounds…”

  32. Make a BIG Promise

  33. Show ROI

  34. Use A Reason-Why Subject Line

  35. Answer Questions About Your Stuff

  36. Stress The Value Of Your Paid Stuff

  37. Help The Reader Achieve A Goal

  38. Make A Seemingly Contradictory Statement Or Promise

  39. “How to”

  40. Borrow Status (Elon Musk said this…)

  41. WARNING!

  42. Sneaky

  43. Quikest, Easiest Way

  44. Harsh Truth

  45. Controversial

Moving on I’ll be releasing a campaign of 11 emails. (not a sequence, I’ll be setting them up manually)

Each will contain 1 secret on how to make your copy clearer.

For this to happen I need your help…

We’re currently a club consisting of 152 people. And we need to hit 200 for me to release this masterpiece.

I could easily make it a course and sell it for $499 (and who knows, I’ll probably make it a course in the future) but I want you to have it for free.

Share this newsletter with people who are as ambitious as you to learn. And I’ll drop the masterpiece.

Leon Beteshi